Albergo Diffuso as a model of original hospitality and sustainable development of small historical villages
Albergo Diffuso for sustainable development of small Regeneration of small historical towns and villages is a vast field of interest which in recent years has been gaining importance because of the opportunities related to these sites. They can be the basis for a new concept of conservation and enhancement, producing added value, growth and renewal in contexts showing degradation and/or affected by a state of abandon. Intervention strategies related to the widespread (and unique) architectural, artistic and environmental heritage, are increasingly connected to the social and productive dimension. They seek solutions to problems caused by the isolation of small sites from the main ‘development circuits’, by at the same time highlighting the features deriving from their ‘distance’ and ‘slowness’ (Lancerini, 2005). In addition to the topic of renovation and reuse of existing building heritage to save land usage and resources, these strategies include maintaining sufficient living and job opportunities over time for local communities, enhancing the social and economic capital of the areas. In fact, small historical towns and villages (amounting to about 20,000 in Italy) and small municipalities1 have a rich social capital, understood as the set of relations and, more importantly, widespread civicness and trust, which facilitates cooperation between individuals (Putnam, et al., 1993). They also have natural assets (cultural, environmental and landscape resources), productive and material assets (unused built areas, productive activities related to local characteristics), infrastructural assets (transportation networks for goods, people and information, social infrastructures) and human assets (reliability and professionalism). This is a global capital available to the community which is largely unused or underused. This is why the strategy promoted by the Department for Economic Development and Cohesion of the Italian Ministry for Economic Development adopted these assets as strategic areas to initiate local development processes. They are repeatedly mentioned in documents related to efficient use of EU funds 2014- 2020 as well.Regeneration of small historical towns and villages is a vast field of interest which in recent years has been gaining importance because of the opportunities related to these sites. They can be the basis for a new concept of conservation and enhancement, producing added value, growth and renewal in contexts showing degradation and/or affected by a state of abandon. Intervention strategies related to the widespread (and unique) architectural, artistic and environmental heritage, are increasingly connected to the social and productive dimension. They seek solutions to problems caused by the isolation of small sites from the main ‘development circuits’, by at the same time highlighting the features deriving from their ‘distance’ and ‘slowness’ (Lancerini, 2005). In addition to the topic of renovation and reuse of existing building heritage to save land usage and resources, these strategies include maintaining sufficient living and job opportunities over time for local communities, enhancing the social and economic capital of the areas. In fact, small historical towns and villages (amounting to about 20,000 in Italy) and small municipalities1 have a rich social capital, understood as the set of relations and, more importantly, widespread civicness and trust, which facilitates cooperation between individuals (Putnam, et al., 1993). They also have natural assets (cultural, environmental and landscape resources), productive and material assets (unused built areas, productive activities related to local characteristics), infrastructural assets (transportation networks for goods, people and information, social infrastructures) and human assets (reliability and professionalism). This is a global capital available to the community which is largely unused or underused. This is why the strategy promoted by the Department for Economic Development and Cohesion of the Italian Ministry for Economic Development adopted these assets as strategic areas to initiate local development processes. They are repeatedly mentioned in documents related to efficient use of EU funds 2014- 2020 as well.villages
Albergo Diffuso as a model of original hospitality and sustainable development of small historical villages