Gli “sciatori” in Cina sono 20 milioni
Ecco un articolo dell’Economist dedicato al fenomeno dello sci in Cina che dovrebbe rilanciare l’interesse delle destinazioni neve italiane verso il mercato cinese.
La prima regola da rispettare per avere successo in Cina non è la partecipazione ad un fiera turistica, ma diventare “Chinese Friendly”!
Until the 1990s, winter sports in and around Beijing were largely confined to skating and, for a hardy few (mostly elderly men), swimming near-naked in pools cleared of ice. A lack of snow and, above all, of middle-class spenders, made skiing all but unthinkable. Now ski resorts abound on the hills near Beijing (the artificial snow is made with underground water) as well as across chillier and snowier regions. According to a Canadian study, the number of skiers in China grew from 10,000 in 1996 to 5m by 2010. The Chinese Ski Association believes there could now be 20m. Beijing is competing to host the winter Olympics in 2022. If it wins, Chongli will be one of the outlying venues.